Graphic Image of Orion Rising Dark Blue
Larry Cottrill, Curator and Commentator

The fine art gallery that never asks "Who are you?" ...

To provide a way for serious amateur and lesser-known professional artists to gain
maximum public exposure for their work through an active online public gallery,
and through the medium of affordable printed photographic reproductions
suitable for display in both private and public settings.

ARE YOU AN ARTIST? GO HERE to learn more about what we believe
Galerie d'Orion Ascendant could be doing for you!

Gallery Page Introductory Graphic - Sounding and Keys

How To Navigate Within Our Gallery:

This Gallery is NOT optimized for scrolling.
Start by clicking on a Category in the Directory. Then, in lieu of scrolling up and down to browse the artworks, use the navigation buttons provided. They appear near the bottom right of each artwork display, and always look like the examples to the right:
Additional buttons are provided for even quicker navigation. If you inadvertently scroll up or down, just click the nearest PREVIOUS ARTWORK or NEXT ARTWORK button you see, and you'll be back on track.

Available NOW:

You can display a gallery-quality replica of our artwork in your home or office! Below almost every artwork you view in our gallery, you'll see a clickable link saying See Poster
- Clicking on this link will take you directly to the poster sales page for this artwork, where you can purchase
a mini- or full-size poster with any credit card. Buying from us helps to keep our Gallery alive!

All right, enough of the preliminaries ...

ENTER Galerie d'Orion Ascendant, starting
at the Gallery Directory, HERE

Read on to learn more about what we believe Galerie d'Orion Ascendant
could be doing for YOU as a serious artist ...


Do you need to be known by a broader audience of potential clients?

Are you good enough that your work should be known beyond your circle of friends?

Now, YOUR WORK AND YOUR NAME could be on permanent display in living rooms and business offices everywhere! Here's how ...

A gallery from the hands of working modern artists, most of whom you've probably never heard of ...
      by Larry Cottrill, Director, Cottrill Cyclodyne Corporation

Larry Cottrill and pulsejet designed for industrial use
Several years back, a big name East Coast art dealer visited Des Moines with a show of some of his latest acquisitions. A professional artist friend of mine who was gaining some traction in (and even beyond) the Midwest asked this gentleman what it would realistically take to get a piece or two shown in his big New York gallery. The guy looked my friend in the eye and said simply,


My friend knew he had gotten his answer: He didn't have a NAME that this guy (and his wealthy clientele) would know. My artist friend just turned and walked away.

Now, over the intervening years, this artist has had enough success to define a satisfying career doing what he loves and getting good commissions and good prices for his work. But the lesson learned that day has never been forgotten: You have to do what it takes to build a name. The fact is, it's hard to get a real foothold in ANY professional career - but for an artist, the whole game is public perception of fine quality work by the broadest possible audience.

The vicious cycle ...


            ... and ...


The Idea behind Galerie d'Orion Ascendant ...

Most of us that have loved artistic expression as a lifelong hobby have always had to be satisfied with that expression coming to final rest in the consciousness of a few relatives and friends. But eventually, for anyone who has developed enough proficiency and artistic vision to get the attention of a variety of viewers, the small world of family and friends just isn't enough. At this point, there are two traditional avenues:

1. Attempt to nurture your art as a career. This is a 'tough row to hoe' unless you can connect with some professional who will commit to years of mentoring, and possibly a professional manager to keep you on track (and help keep your head above water).

2. Remain a dedicated Amateur, using every means you can think of to broadly exhibit your work - competitions, local art shows, fairs, etc. This turns into a lot of time and travel for someone maintaining a 'day job'. And the fact is, a personal Web page for your work won't readily show up in searches when you don't already have a well-known name.

At the time I am writing this, the year is 2023 and I am now 75 years old. This means that (a) I am not about to 'turn pro' and launch a new career, and (b) I am not going to spend the rest of my days running around the country trying to impress people at gallery events and art shows. I have things to do, and I'm running out of time!

This site is meant to exhibit a lifetime of my work, but ultimately ALSO the work of other artists, BOTH amateur and professional. Three important facts form the premise for launching this site:

1) The vast majority of ordinary working people simply can't afford the time and expense needed to acquire original pieces, even if they have a genuine interest in modern art.

2) Therefore, most of these people will NEVER visit a major art gallery, even when they get a chance to visit a place like New York, San Francisco or LA - with studios and galleries that cater to only the elite few!

3) However, these same people WOULD love to be able to decorate their homes and offices with low-cost modern replica art (even from unknown or little-known artists!) - IF it can be made truly affordable! This fact creates the opportunity for this site to be self-supporting, AND HELP YOU SUCCEED AS AN ARTIST, by offering such a product on demand.

So ... How Do We Shatter THE VICIOUS CYCLE?
       Our online gallery of new and little-known art costs NOTHING to visit, but
       provides visitors an option to buy low-cost gallery-grade photo reproductions
       in frameable poster size of anything they see and like.

This method of promotion offers significant advantages to an under-served public AND to the artist struggling to become known. Take a moment to follow my thinking:

I decided that an eclectic set of top-quality poster-size prints would be viable as a way of exhibiting the best of my work to the broadest possible audience. People know that a well chosen wall hanging can greatly impact the look and feel of a room - yet, it has no physical 'footprint' (i.e. it's never 'in the way'). Owning multiple posters can offer variety by simply rotating them over time - those not in use can be easily stored.

I also realized I could enhance the variety of selections by including other artists' works with their permission (or in the rare case of owning the originals myself). This gives a greater variety of artistic achievement to display, enhancing the appeal of the site and increasing product offerings. Consider that any replica piece that turns out to be really popular can be printed and sold as many times as it's demanded, quickly and cheaply. And of course, posters will always show the work's title, date created, the artist's name, and optionally even contact information (crucial for the artist who's a working professional).

The final result of this effort is a group of beautiful, gallery-quality art prints that can be hung as-is OR that can be fully matted and framed if desired to make a really powerful visual statement.

For information on how you can submit work for evaluation and potential inclusion in our Gallery, email me, Larry Cottrill, at with the subject line 'Gallery Submission Info'. Now, if you'd prefer to skip over the next section on Poster Design, just ENTER at the GALLERY DIRECTORY to immediately start seeing what I'm talking about!

Poster Design - 'Portrait' and 'Landscape' Versions, and 'Diptychs'

The terms 'Portrait' for a vertically oriented printed page and 'Landscape' for a horizontal page are ubiquitous today, so I decided to go along with convention and use these for my descriptions on this site.

I soon realized that there were a couple of cases in sculpture where more than one view was needed to convey the design so it could really be understood by the viewer. In these cases, I divide the poster so that two photo views of the piece are displayed. To describe this, I finally chose the old artist's term 'Diptych' (meaning, two scenes side-by-side) so that a front view and side view form the 'Landscape Diptych' while a side view and elevated view create the 'Portrait Diptych' style. This distinction will be obvious when you view some of the listings in the Gallery below, and these are exactly carried through in the formats of the posters.

For you to 'get a name', identifying the artist with the work is crucial!
So, in all cases, the work's title and the artist name and creation date (generally just the year) are prominently called out: I set these up in a small but bold white modern font along the bottom edge of each poster. Details of the materials, construction, studio location, or whatever I deemed appropriate, are inscribed in a smaller font directly above the artist name and date of the work. All this is made much clearer when you view the Poster Listings themselves.

NEW 'Full Poster' Size Available!

When I was making pulsejet engine posters years ago, I was limited by printing costs to the 11 x 17 inch [28 x 43 cm] 'Mini Poster' size. Today, I can do the printing in-house up to the so-called 'Super B' size dimensions - 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm]. While adding two inches each way doesn't sound like much, the total area is a full 32 percent larger; the difference in visual impact is impressive, and should be well worth the extra cost to many buyers (scroll down a bit to see the true-scale comparison below).

The larger size is excellent if you're going to frame or hang the work in a larger room or if you just want the print to be especially prominent in the space. Putting one of these in a nice matted frame will make an unforgettable impression!

Quality of the product is exactly the same for the two sizes offered. The printed area has a slightly better 'fit' to the larger rectangle, i.e. a little less noticeable 'white space' around the edges. You can see what I mean in this true-scale comparison:

JetZILLA Publishing - Fine Arts Series Edition
  Portrait Full Poster
Overall dims: 13 x 19 inches (33 x 48 cm)
Rendering dims: approx. 11.25 x 15.75
inches (29 x 40 cm)
  Portrait Mini-Poster
Overall dims: 11 x 17 inches (28 x 43 cm)
Rendering dims: approx. 9.75 x 13.75
inches (25 x 35 cm)

All right - Here's what the online buyer gets, and how they pay:

These frameables are printed on heavy weight, bright white, acid-free paper, in 11 x 17 inch [about 28 x 43 cm] 'Mini Poster' outside dimensions - OR, the NEW 'Full Poster' size, 13 x 19 inch [about 33 x 48 cm] dimensions. 'Portrait' or 'Landscape' format depends entirely on the nature of the artwork as photographed. They are shipped carefully rolled in an ample (meaning LARGE), rugged mailing tube - AND, keep in mind - I will only pack a maximum of five posters in a single tube! All US shipments are Priority Mail with Confirmation [we will email you the USPS tracking number]. (NOTE: Foreign shipments will be by the most economical means available with proof of mailing, and promptness of delivery cannot be guaranteed.) Printing and shipping will be within five business days of placing your order.

Official PayPal Seal I'm PayPal Verified

I use PayPal to handle the ordering process - HOWEVER:


Our PayPal Shopping Cart lets you choose from any of the most popular credit / debit cards, so if you don't have a PayPal account, just skip past the PayPal Checkout button to the one labeled simply Checkout on the Shopping Cart page, then use the credit card you want when entering your data.

All right, that's all!   Let's ENTER the GALLERY:


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for MUCH faster browsing !!!)



GALLERY DIRECTORY of Artwork Categories:

Category Sculpture: Telescope Maker


Category Wall Art: Still Life

Category II: ON THE WALL

Category Photography: Downtown


Category Artist Alfred Owles: Diptych

Category IV: Art of

Category Artist Milo Winter: Diptych

Category V: Art of


Graphic Image of Orion Rising Dark Blue

Including  All  Artwork  Categories:


(Click on Navigation Buttons below images
for MUCH faster browsing !!!)



Category I: Sculpture -   Design 1:  

  Small Glass Creature
          blown glass tubing by Larry Cottrill   1963   Length: 15/16 inch

Landscape: Small Glass Creature by Larry Cottrill
At this writing (2023), this little guy is 60 years old. I was hanging out with a couple members of our little Geek Squad in the Chemistry classroom at North High School (Des Moines) and decided to fire up a Bunsen burner and try some glass blowing (and gathering), using a couple of scrap pieces of lab tubing we found lying around. I'd never tried it before, and this is what came out after 15 or 20 minutes. He's just under an inch long, and weighs less than the US dime he's shown with here.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 2:

    Stick Figure I
          assemblage of wooden sticks by Larry Cottrill   1972   Height approx. 5 inches

Portrait: Stick Figure I by Larry Cottrill
This construction was assembled from standard round toothpicks, using a thick casein glue product branded as Tacky Glue in crafts stores. Sticks were carefully sized for identical length before use. Every stick in the construction is a side of two to four equilateral triangles.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 3:

    Stick Figure II
          assemblage of wooden sticks by Larry Cottrill   1972   Height approx. 5 inches

Portrait: Stick Figure II by Larry Cottrill
A second construction assembled from standard round toothpicks, using the casein glue product called Tacky Glue. In this case, a five-pointed star is constructed from equilateral triangles. Again, sticks were carefully sized for identical length. Every stick in the construction is a side of two to five equilateral triangles, except for five radial sticks forming a hollow 'cap' over the top.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 4:

    Telescope Maker
          carved limestone by Larry Cottrill   1975   Length approx. 14 inches
Sculpture: Telescope Maker by Larry Cottrill
Telescope Maker was my first attempt at stone carving, and I loved doing it. I took this down to a small downtown Des Moines gallery and put a sale price of $100 on it - a princely sum in those days (the 1970s) when a dollar was something. Waited a couple of weeks, and no one was nibbling. I got to know a wonderful commercial artist who had an office next door, Sam Van Meter, who said to me, "Would you rather have your first stone sculpture or a hundred dollars?" I took back the piece and never offered it again.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 5:

    The Bold Marauder
          plaster of Paris model by Larry Cottrill   1975   Height approx. 10 inches

Portrait: The Bold Marauder by Larry Cottrill
The Bold Marauder was an Urban Folk genre song from the 1960s, written and sung by Richard Farina. He and his wife Mimi Farina were a powerful force among social justice and anti-war protest singing in that era. Richard did this one solo - he had a high, whiney but piercing voice which made the song absolutely bone-chilling the first time I heard it. I immediately pictured an eyeless, noseless, perpetually hooded creature, all pure white - perfect for working in plaster on an aluminum wire armature. Richard Farina tragically died in a motorcycle crash in 1966.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 6:

          carved limestone by Larry Cottrill   1994   Height approx. 19 inches
Sculpture: Sounding by Larry Cottrill
For a few years, the Iowa Arts Council ran an annual competition called 'On My Own Time' for employees working in downtown Des Moines companies; it had several divisions in both Amateur and Professional classes. This entry was well-liked by our company's in-house panel of judges and so went on to the final competition. This piece won First Place in the Amateur Sculpture event - the only blue ribbon I've ever won for anything in my life.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 7:

    Lion's Head
          cast terra cotta from unknown designer   ca 1920   Height approx. 16 inches
Sculpture: Lion's Head by unknown designer
Many prominent architects spent some of their early years at Brooks, Borg and Skiles. One that I got to know there was Kirk Von Blunck, who rescued many of these gargoyle-like Lion's Head sculptures from the wrecking ball, and then made them available to any of his colleagues who wanted them. These ferocious beasts had gazed down on downtown Des Moines pedestrians for decades from the parapet of an old insurance building. I eventually gave this to a beautiful lady who took pride in being a 'Leo', though I personally don't subscribe to astrological ideas.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category II: ON THE WALL (Paintings, Drawings, etc.)
Category II: On the Wall -   Design 1:  

  Still Life
          oils on canvas by Dorothy Lizzete Eisenbach   1947   approx. 40 x 30 inches
Landscape poster: Still Life by D Lizzete Eisenbach
Lizzete is not well known today for her oil paintings; she is much better remembered for her watercolors from the early 1920s and later. This work is also unusual for its neo-impressionistic style, a far departure from the near-realism of her early work. This is ensconced in a massive wood frame. I acquired this in the early 1970s for $50 from a little gallery in downtown Des Moines which had a sign on the front door that read "SORRY - WE'RE OPEN" on one side and "YES - WE'RE CLOSED" on the other.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category II: On the Wall -   Design 2:  

          matte board wall sculpture by Larry Cottrill   1992   approx. 14 x 11 inches + frame
Landscape poster: Keys by Larry Cottrill
This was hand-crafted from scrap pieces of paper matte board I had lying around, grounded on a cheap 11 x 14 inch frame. I was fortunate that a lot of the scraps I had were solid-core matte board (i.e. not white below the surface). I had wanted to do a wall-hung sculpture where the picture elements seem to be 'exploding' beyond a matte boundary. Done for our 15th Wedding Anniversary.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category II: On the Wall -   Design 3:  

  Rejected by NASA
          technical drawing by Larry Cottrill   2001   approx. 17 x 11 inches

Landscape poster: Rejected by NASA by Larry Cottrill
This drawing was a small part of my submission to the NASA SBIR Grant program early in 2001. Exactly like a patent drawing, it depicts a jet engine with no internal moving parts (though NOT a valveless pulsejet). I received my official rejection letter and comments from NASA on the very day that would change all our lives: September 11, 2001.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category II: On the Wall -   Design 4:  

  Breakfast of the Tyrant Kings
          gel pen drawing by Larry Cottrill   1988   approx. 28 x 20 inches

Landscape poster: Breakfast of the Tyrant Kings by Larry Cottrill
For a few years, the Iowa Arts Council ran an annual competition called 'On My Own Time' that had several divisions in both Amateur and Professional classes. This was supposed to be my entry, but never made it into the finals. I started this after discovering a brand-new invention that had just come on the market, a VERY fine line ball-point device called the 'gel pen', and decided I just had to use one of these to make a drawing. I was astonished at using up nine or ten to get this work completed.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 1:  

  At Last, the Wedding Is Over ...
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1975

Landscape: At Last the Wedding Is Over by Larry Cottrill
Carroll Johnson and his new bride Alvina, captured in a relaxed moment at the end of The Big Day. They're both obviously happy at the chance to start a new life together. Carroll was the father of my friend Steve Johnson, who partnered with me for several years in a professional photography venture.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 2:

    Happy Couple, Happy Mom
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1975

Photograph: Happy Couple, Happy Mom by Larry Cottrill
My friend Dave Cargill, his new bride Angie and his mother. Dave was a professional Land Surveyor (I actually worked for him in the field one summer) and my landlord for several years. Dave and Angie had an extensive collection of Coca Cola memorabilia and a couple of Model Ts, and a custom Harley chopper called The Coke Machine. Kind of a wild man in some ways, but he was a good friend and a fine professional in his field.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 3:  

          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1972
Photography: Downtown by Larry Cottrill
I consider this to be one of the most interesting photos I've ever taken, from the standpoint of composition - especially the conflict for dominance between light and shadow. The tall brick building in the left background is the Hubbell Building, at that time home to Brooks, Borg and Skiles Architects and Engineers, where I was working. A grab shot looking west on Walnut Street, Des Moines.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 4:

    Portrait of the Artist As An Old Dog
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010
Photography: Portrait of the Artist As An Old Dog by Larry Cottrill
This is a valveless pulsejet prototype, second in a series after some significant problems with my first design. This was done as an industrial heater / flame generator for a corporate client down on the Gulf of Mexico. Fabricated for me by Jim Russell Design, Des moines; welded by Jim's son Matt, a true artisan. The engine by itself weighed 20 pounds, mostly .060 inch stainless. The client estimated the thrust at better than 40 pounds, running on propane vapor.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 5:  

  Artist Jim Russell
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010
Portrait : Artist Jim Russell by Larry Cottrill
There are several professional artists named Jim Russell, but this is the one I personally know and respect as a mentor and friend - Jim Russell of Des Moines. Exactly my age, this is the guy I know who had the guts and drive to spend his adult life doing what I'd love to have done - and does it superbly and with integrity. Jim creates everything from fine jewelry to monumental metal pieces. Here, he's fashioning one of his giant trout flies, built on a stainless shark hook.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 6:

    Oh Fifteen
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2023

Portrait: Oh Fifteen by Larry Cottrill
The Martin O-15 guitar is prized for its usefulness in recording studios, where the booming voice of its big brother, the famous Dreadnaught, can be difficult to tame for an audio mix. My dad bought me this one back in the 1970s, well-worn but still full of beautiful sound.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 7:

    Engineer John Nigro
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1975

Portrait: Engineer John Nigro by Larry Cottrill
I worked directly for John throughout the 1970s at Brooks, Borg and Skiles, Architects and Engineers, Des Moines. We were in the Structural Engineering Department. One of the finest engineers, and one of the finest men, I ever got to know. A great mentor and a true friend.
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Category III: Photography -   Design 8:

    Tower of Friends
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1971

Portrait: Tower of Friends by Larry Cottrill
It was still the Vietnam War era, and this scene is from one of the last get-togethers of the old gang before all four of these guys became soldiers and sailors. I would eventually head for the Army's Warrant Officer Flight program, but my dreams of learning to fly rotary wing craft were cut short by the 'unanticipated' discovery that I had archless feet - I was mustered out with only 88 days of military service to my credit. Bob, in the plaid shirt under the left hand of the lovely Judy, landed perhaps the most amusing of our military careers, serving on a US Navy vessel known as a Torpedo Retriever.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 9:

    Pulsejet Pipe Extension
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010

Portrait: Oh Fifteen by Larry Cottrill
For optimum starting and running, it is often necessary to tune the exact tailpipe length of an experimental pulsejet. I designed this tuning extension for an engine with a 4-inch diameter tailpipe. The heavy lugs are for tapping the extension with a tool to slide it forward or rearward on the end of the pipe, even while very hot. The stainless hose clamps let me achieve a perfect sliding fit. Built for me by Matt Russell of Jim Russell Design, Des Moines.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category III: Photography -   Design 10:

    Artists, Father and Son
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010
Photography: Artists Father and Son by Larry Cottrill
True artisans in the craft of metalworking, Jim Russell and his son Matt Russell plan the finishing touches on an experimental pulsejet combustion chamber for me. This was almost a tiny project compared to the monumental sculptures they're used to building. For this project, the chamber was plain steel, as I couldn't afford to do it in stainless. Nowadays, Matt has his own shop, where he does both metal and woodworking.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category IV: ART OF ALFRED OWLES (Paintings)
Category IV: Art of Alfred Owles -   Design 1:

    The Intruders
          oils on canvas by Alfred Owles   ca 1960   approx. 27.5 x 19.5 inches?B>
Art of Alfred Owles: The Intruders by Alfred Owles
Alfred Owles' later works are often scenes of the Old West. Many of these are imaginary scenes of life in Western towns. He also painted landscapes from real life. This is one of only two paintings of his I've ever seen that depict tribal Native Americans, though others could exist, of course. Original was an artist-framed gift to my mother, with his title The Intruders hand-written on the back.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category IV: Art of Alfred Owles -   Design 2:  

  Out At the Edge of Town (Artist's Title Unknown)
          oils on canvas by Alfred Owles   ca 1960   print approx. 16 x 12 inches
Landscape poster: Rural Scene I by Alfred Owles
Alfred Owles gift print to my mother - he was married to her sister Lois. This was locally matted and framed, and there is no indication of a title by the artist. Many of Owles' later works are scenes of aged houses and barns. I think these were all painted from life, rather than imaginary scenes. In this one, there seems to be a small church hidden just beyond the house.
(Poster not offered due to unknown ownership)

- Larry Cottrill
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Category IV: Art of Alfred Owles -   Design 2:  

  At the Foothills (Artist's Title Unknown)
          oils on canvas by Alfred Owles   ca 1960   print approx. 16 x 12 inches
Landscape poster: Rural Scene II by Alfred Owles
Alfred Owles print, another gift to my mother, was locally matted and framed. Unfortunately, in this case, his artist's mark in the lower right corner is invisible, completely obscured by the matte.
(Poster not offered due to unknown ownership)

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: ART OF MILO WINTER (Book Illustration)
Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 1:

    The Canadian Brandished His Harpoon ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Ned Land under bowsprit of the Abraham Lincoln
Milo Winter, virtually unknown to younger readers today, was famous during the first half of the Twentieth Century for his artwork in books for children and young people. But, he also illustrated many great classic works of fiction, particularly the Windermere Series of books published by Rand-McNally. One of these was the Jules verne Classic, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. This plate, showing Ned Land the harpooner, was the Frontispiece of that edition, appearing directly across from the wonderfully printed title page of this classic work:           - Larry Cottrill

Diptych poster: Ned Land under bowsprit of the Abraham Lincoln (with facing title page)
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 2:

    A museum in which an intelligent, if a spendthrift, hand ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Captain Nemo shows Prof Arronax his Museum
The first scene Milo Winter depicts in the body of the book comes after Professor Arronax, his valet Conseil and the Canadian harpooner Ned Land have been taken into custody in the Nautilus. Here, Prof. Arronax finds himself amazed at the superb collections in Captain Nemo's salon museum. The artist's skills at composition of an imaginary scene are clearly evident.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 3:

    All these and many other wonders I saw ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Walking through undersea wonders
Artist Milo Winter depicts the very first excursion by Professor Arronax and his friends beneath the surface of the sea. They experienced scenery as well as both plant and animal life unlike anything that could have been found 'topside' on the dry land of Earth.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 4:

    The canoes at a given signal approached the "Nautilus" ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Cannibal warriors attack the Nautilus
The attacking natives strikingly pictured here by Milo Winter are not men of Africa, but are actually halfway around the world from there - they are carefully described by Jules Verne as the famous "red-haired cannibals" of Papua, New Guinea. For over a century, many Christian missionaries sacrificed their lives ministering to these people, so today authorities believe that there are no tribes still practicing cannibalism anywhere on that island nation.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 5:

    He threw himself aside with amazing quickness ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Captain Nemo plunges his dagger into the shark
The divers, led by Captain Nemo on an excursion far below the surface, are suddenly threatened by a huge shark. Nemo confronts the creature, and ends the threat by skillfully dodging a direct assault and swiftly plunging his knife into its side.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 6:

    There, indeed, right beneath my eyes, lay a town ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Discovering a lost city beneath the sea
Here, Milo Winter depicts Professor Arronax discovering a great ancient city, ruined and submerged beneath the sea. Could this really be the capitol city of the legendary island nation of Atlantis?

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 7:

    Captain Nemo unfurled a black banner which bore an N ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Captain Nemo discovers the South Pole
When Jules Verne was writing Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, the south polar region called Antarctica was virtually unknown. As shown in this plate, the assumption of most authorities was that it would be entirely sea water and ice, not unlike the Arctic. This later turned out not to be the case - it is actually a vast land dominated by a huge active volcano and covered with tens of thousands of square miles of glacial ice.

- Larry Cottrill
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 8:

    The unhappy sailor was brandished in the air ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Graphic poster: Sailor hoisted into the air by giant squid
Milo Winter illustrates great action in this dramatic scene - however, his depiction of the giant squid is far from anatomical accuracy. Even by 1922 when the Windermere Series of the book was published, sightings of real giant squid were extremely rare, and there was no photographic evidence of the creatures at all. The giant squid has the most human-like eye of any sea creature, and the eye globes can be as large as volleyballs in a full-grown animal.

- Larry Cottrill
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End of Artwork Images


INFORMATION SECTION (Ownership, Contact, etc.)


Larry Cottrill and Cyclodyne engine prototype parts, summer 2010
Larry Cottrill
Director of Product Development
Cottrill Cyclodyne Corporation

All Posters Copyright 2023 Cottrill Cyclodyne Corporation
- All rights reserved -

All Images On This Page Copyright 2023 Cottrill Cyclodyne Corporation
- All rights reserved -

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Soli Deo Gloria
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 - 1750

Page updated: 19 Jun 2023

Copyright 2023 Cottrill Cyclodyne Corporation
Mingo, Iowa USA
- All rights reserved -


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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 1 - Poster:  

  Small Glass Creature
          blown glass tubing by Larry Cottrill   1963   Length: 15/16 inch

Landscape poster: Small Glass Creature by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-01: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F01: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 2 - Poster:

    Stick Figure I
          assemblage of wooden sticks by Larry Cottrill   1972   Height approx. 5 inches

Portrait poster: Stick Figure I by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-02: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F02: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 3 - Poster:

    Stick Figure II
          assemblage of wooden sticks by Larry Cottrill   1972   Height approx. 5 inches

Portrait poster: Stick Figure II by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-03: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F03: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 4 - Poster:

    Telescope Maker
          carved limestone by Larry Cottrill   1975   Length approx. 14 inches
Landscape poster: Telescope Maker by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-004: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F004: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 5 - Poster:

    The Bold Marauder
          plaster of Paris model by Larry Cottrill   1975   Height approx. 10 inches

Portrait poster: The Bold Marauder by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-05: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F05: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 6 - Poster:

          carved limestone by Larry Cottrill   1994   Height approx. 19 inches
Portrait poster: Sounding by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-006: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F006: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category I: Sculpture -   Design 7 - Poster:

    Lion's Head
          cast terra cotta from unknown designer   ca 1920   Height approx. 16 inches
Landscape poster: Lion's Head by unknown designer

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
SCU-007: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
SCU-F007: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category II: ON THE WALL (Paintings, Drawings, etc.)
Category II: On the Wall -   Design 1 - Poster:  

  Still Life
          oils on canvas by Dorothy Lizzete Eisenbach   1947   approx. 40 x 30 inches
Landscape poster: Still Life by D Lizzete Eisenbach

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
WAL-001: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
WAL-F001: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category II: On the Wall -   Design 2 - Poster:  

          matte board wall sculpture by Larry Cottrill   1992   approx. 14 x 11 inches + frame
Landscape poster: Keys by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
WAL-002: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
WAL-F002: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category II: On the Wall -   Design 3 - Poster:  

  Rejected by NASA
          technical drawing by Larry Cottrill   2001   approx. 17 x 11 inches

Landscape poster: Rejected by NASA by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
WAL-03: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
WAL-F03: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category II: On the Wall -   Design 4 - Poster:  

  Breakfast of the Tyrant Kings
          gel pen drawing by Larry Cottrill   1988   approx. 28 x 20 inches

Landscape poster: Breakfast of the Tyrant Kings by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
WAL-04: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
WAL-F04: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 1 - Poster:  

  At Last, the Wedding Is Over ...
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1975

Landscape Poster: At Last the Wedding Is Over by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-01: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F01: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 2 - Poster:

    Happy Couple, Happy Mom
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1975

Portrait poster: Happy Couple, Happy Mom by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-02: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F02: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 3 - Poster:  

          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1972
Landscape Poster: Downtown by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-003: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F003: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 4 - Poster:

    Portrait of the Artist As An Old Dog
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010
Landscape poster: Portrait of the Artist As An Old Dog by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-04: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F04: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 5 - Poster:  

  Artist Jim Russell
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010
Portrait Poster: Artist Jim Russell by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-005: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F005: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 6 - Poster:

    Oh Fifteen
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2023

Portrait poster: Oh Fifteen by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-06: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F06: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 7 - Poster:

    Engineer John Nigro
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1975

Portrait poster: Engineer John Nigro by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-07: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F07: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 8 - Poster:

    Tower of Friends
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   1971

Portrait poster: Tower of Friends by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-08: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F08: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 9 - Poster:

    Pulsejet Pipe Extension
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010

Portrait poster: Pulsejet Pipe Extension by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Portrait mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-09: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F09: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category III: Photography -   Design 10 - Poster:

    Artists, Father and Son
          photograph by Larry Cottrill   2010
Portrait poster: Artists Father and Son by Larry Cottrill

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
PHO-010: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
PHO-F010: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category IV: ART OF ALFRED OWLES (Paintings)
Category IV: Art of Alfred Owles -   Design 1 - Poster:

    The Intruders
          oils on canvas by Alfred Owles   ca 1960   approx. 27.5 x 19.5 inches
Landscape poster: The Intruders by Alfred Owles

      Remember -
        You DON'T need a PayPal
        account - just a credit card!

Landscape mini-poster:         $ 30.00 US
OWL-01: 17 x 11 inches [43 x 28 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Landscape full poster:           $ 36.00 US
OWL-F01: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: ART OF MILO WINTER (Book Illustration)
Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 1 - Poster:

    The Canadian Brandished His Harpoon ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches
Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: The Canadian Brandished His Harpoon by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-01: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F01: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait poster: The Canadian Brandished His Harpoon by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D01: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD01: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 2 - Poster:

    A museum in which an intelligent, if a spendthrift, hand ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: A museum in which an intelligent, if a spendthrift, hand by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-02: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F02: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: A museum in which an intelligent, if a spendthrift, hand by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D02: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD02: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 3 - Poster:

    All these and many other wonders I saw ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: All these and many other wonders I saw by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-03: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F03: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: All these and many other wonders I saw by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D03: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD03: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 4 - Poster:

    The canoes at a given signal approached the "Nautilus" ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: The canoes at a given signal approached the
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-04: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F04: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: The canoes at a given signal approached the
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D04: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD04: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 5 - Poster:

    He threw himself aside with amazing quickness ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: He threw himself aside with amazing quickness by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-05: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F05: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: He threw himself aside with amazing quickness by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D05: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD05: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 6 - Poster:

    There, indeed, right beneath my eyes, lay a town ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: There, indeed, right beneath my eyes, lay a town by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-06: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F06: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: There, indeed, right beneath my eyes, lay a town by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D06: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD06: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 7 - Poster:

    Captain Nemo unfurled a black banner which bore an N ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: Captain Nemo unfurled a black banner which bore an N by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-07: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F07: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: Captain Nemo unfurled a black banner which bore an N by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D07: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD07: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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Category V: Art of Milo Winter -   Design 8 - Poster:

    The unhappy sailor was brandished in the air ...
          Illustration by Milo Winter   1922   printed approx. 4.2 x 6.1 inches

Remember -
  You DON'T need a PayPal
  account - just a credit card!

Portrait poster: The unhappy sailor was brandished in the air by Milo Winter
Portrait mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
TTL-08: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Portrait full poster:       $ 36.00 US
TTL-F08: 13 x 19 inches [33 x 48 cm, approx.]
Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
Diptych poster: The unhappy sailor was brandished in the air by Milo Winter
               Diptych mini-poster:     $ 30.00 US
                TTL-D08: 11 x 17 inches [28 x 43 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
               Diptych full poster:       $ 36.00 US
                TTL-FD08: 19 x 13 inches [48 x 33 cm, approx.]
                Shipping and handling, world-wide: FREE!
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